Services Rendered by Municipality

Dipaleseng Local Municipality is the sphere of government that is closer to the communities which bestows the responsibility to deliver services where the municipality is directly responsible and then coordinate the delivery of services that fall outside the constitutional obligations of the municipality. To achieve its constitutional mandate, the municipality renders its core services and others through these main categories;


Service Delivery & Infrastructure Development

As required, the municipality primarily provides basic services such as water and sanitation, electricity, waste management and the development and maintenance of basic road and storm water infrastructure to serve the local community in the municipal area.

Spatial Integration & Environmental Sustainability

The municipality continues to place particular focus on developing systems and procedures for effective land use and environmental management as well as enforcement and conformity to relevant and applicable laws. 

Municipal Transformation & Organisational Development

The attainment of development goals as outlined above requires the municipality to establish effective systems and procedures for both municipal administration and local governance. This includes attracting and retaining well trained, experienced and committed employees.

Municipal Financial Viability & Management

Funds are a critical input in process towards the attainment of the above-outlined goals. As such, it is critically important to ensure that the municipality is able to generate sufficient funds to be able to deliver services and facilitate development. Also important is ability to account for the use and disbursements of public funds.

Good Governance & Public Participation:

The municipality is committed to putting in place systems and procedures for accountable local governance. This includes oversight responsibilities, auditing function, risk management, etc. Members of the public will be kept informed and engaged in municipal affairs at all times. 

Local Economic Development:

The municipality is actively creating a climate conducive for public and private sector investment. As such, the municipality is committed to work with other government agencies and departments to deliver state of the art economic infrastructure that will facilitate development of effective service and industrial sectors.




Dipaleseng Local Municipality