Bid No: Project Description Successful Tenderer Tender Amount Excl. Vat
DLM20/2022 Appointment of a service provider for Maintenance and updating of GRAP Compliant and MSCOA – aligned assets register and MSCOA – aligned Assets Register and MSCOA aligned Assets care Estimates for 36 Months I@Consulting R 2 294 861.75
DLM18/2022 Appointment of a service provider to supply, install and maintain Telephone system and IP Phones for the period of 36 months Emalangeni Technologies (PTY) Ltd R 2 448 748.81
DLM10/2022 Appointment of a service provider for Maintenance and updating of GRAP Compliant and MSCOA – aligned assets register and MSCOA – aligned Assets Register and MSCOA aligned Assets care Estimates for 12 Months I@Consulting R 8 54 077.00
DLM05/2022 Appointment of a Contractor for the construction of 2 x 4km 22kv Feeder lines to Ridgeview Euromaro Investment R 19 000 849.17
DLM06/2022 Appointment of a Panel of a contactors for Electrical and Mechanical Emergency works for as and when required for a period of three years
  1. Oakantswe Construction and Projects
  2. Ongi General Trading
  3. Mavutha Contractors Enterprise
  4. NNC Porperties
  5. Kgoshi Electrical
  6. West side Rasewete Engineers
  7. Mpophoma Constrcution
  8. Euromaro Investments
  9. Amiware CC
  10. NBN Civils
DLM07/2022 Appointment of a Contractor for Upgrading of siyathemba Pump Station in Dipaleseng Local Municipality VMT CIVILS PTY LTD R 9 557 798.58
DLM08/2022 Appointment of a Contractor for The Construction of Dludlu Street in Siyathemba Ward 1 Mpophoma Construction R 9667 548.54

Dipaleseng Local Municipality